Elizabeth Solá-Llonch

[  so.ˈla.jont͡ʃ  ]  •  she/her 

UCLA Department of Linguistics
335 Portola Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095

I’m a sixth year PhD student at the UCLA linguistics department. My research focuses primarily on the acquisition of phonetic and phonological processes. I am particularly interested in using experimental methods to investigate how people learn, both by looking at initial perceptual biases that impact early acquisition and the learning strategies that children use to figure out how to speak like an adult.

In my dissertation, I am comparing 4-8 year old children and adults’ productions of Mandarin rising (T2) and falling (T4) tones as a case study into how children develop adult-like phonetic grammars.

I also do fieldwork on San Cristóbal Lachirioag Zapotec, a Northern Zapotec language from the Villa Alta district of Oaxaca, Mexico.

As a student at UCLA, I acknowledge my presence on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples.


Nov 2023 With Megha Sundara, I gave a talk titled “Infants’ initial sensitivity to vowel harmony is experience independent” with at BUCLD 2023. [slides]
Mar 2023 A paper titled I coauthored with Lily Xu, Huilei Wang, and Megha Sundara titled “A meta-analytic review of morphological priming in Semitic languages” was recently published in The Mental Lexicon [link] [pdf]